USA Today

The Medical War Against Chiropractors By JC Smith, MA, DC History will show the American Medical Association (AMA) has fought its longest and most aggressive war not against any disease, but for over a century it has fought an illicit war against chiropractors. Most...

Freedom of Choice

Freedom of Choice in Obamacare  By JC Smith, MA, DC   “If we do not fix our health care system, America may go the way of General Motors; paying more, getting less, and going broke.”[1] President Barack Obama   Just as the 1964 Civil Rights legislation guaranteed that...

Georgia Health News

TO:         Georgia Health News RE:         “How chiropractors can win the war against the AMA?” FROM:     JC Smith, MA, DC   Chiropractors Shall Overcome   Most people realize there has been a medical war against chiropractors—they’ve heard the hate-mongering from...

New Ad

New Direct TV Ad for Patients When your back goes out, you can’t work. When you can’t work, you go to an MD who prescribes Oxycodone. When your pain continues, you get epidural steroid injections at a pain clinic. When your pain persists, you get a disc fusion. When...

Medical Care Gone Wild

“Medical Spine Gone Wild” Experts agree:•    From 1994 to 2007, the patient population increased by only 12%, but spine medicine has gone wild: •    spinal fusion surgery increased 204%, •    MRIs increased 307%, •    spinal injections increased 629%,  •   opiate use...