Chiro Snollygoster

Chiropractic Snollygosters By JCS   According to the infamous yellow journalist and dictator for life of the sham alliance of Evil Vendors, Terry Wrongberg recently defended his bizarre behavior meddling once again in the VA inclusion of chiropractic by quoting ol’ BJ...

Deja Vue All Over Again

Deya vu all over again By JCS Indeed, the more things change in the chiropractic healthcare industry, the more some chirovangelists stay the same. Examples are numerous, such as the demise of Big $id as an autocratic phony educator who exploited his students unlike...

TR’s Sincere Message

TR’s Sincere Message   First of all, I’m not sure if this is TR writing or his ghostwriter, Barbara Bingham. Simply logon to  to learn of the real writer behind TR. But I’ll assume it’s TR and respond to his many confusing and...

White Flag

This was TR’s attempt to intimidate me with this defamation on the front page of his journal rag. Of course, it was all bluff and amounted to nothing but bluster on his part. But it did show all his yellow journalism and vicious nature making himself out to be...

Yellow Journalism Cont.

Yellow Journalism Continues!   Apparently the Great Impersonator, aka, Terry Rongberg, inexplicably now blames Big Jim Edwards, immediate past chairman of the ACA, for the disunity in this profession because he didn’t want to deal with the ICA/WCA ideologues, and for...