White Flag

This was TR’s attempt to intimidate me with this defamation on the front page of his journal rag. Of course, it was all bluff and amounted to nothing but bluster on his part. But it did show all his yellow journalism and vicious nature making himself out to be...

Yellow Journalism Cont.

Yellow Journalism Continues!   Apparently the Great Impersonator, aka, Terry Rongberg, inexplicably now blames Big Jim Edwards, immediate past chairman of the ACA, for the disunity in this profession because he didn’t want to deal with the ICA/WCA ideologues, and for...

TR v. Jim Edwards

“Docs Not Honest” So what else is new and startling?   By JC Smith   I read with amusement the recent article “Study: Doctors not always honest with patients” (by Lauran Neergaard of the Associated Press, Feb. 9, 2012). She refers to a survey conducted by a Harvard...


If Wrongberg Is Against It, It Must Be Good!   Any progressive effort to upgrade this profession from its cultish roots and “anything goes” clinical mindset from yesteryear will be met with resistance by those who will not profit from reform. Certainly mega-volume...

TR Panics

http://www.wcanews.com/archives/2005/jul27a.htm   Chiro Coalition Panics!   Well, it seems the Evil Vendor and Phony Prez of the Wrong Chiro Assn has a black eye after Dr. Gerry Clum announced at the WFC meeting that the ICA joining forces with the WCA as a...

Wrongberg Chiro Ass

 The WCA: Wrongberg Chiropractic Assassins   By now most mainstream DCs are up in arms over the failure to pass a VA bill that included chiropractic care with direct access and full-scope involvement. Apparently Terry Wrongberg, editor of the Chiropractic Journal and...