Price of Pain

The Price of Pain “The pen may be mightier than the sword,  but it is not mightier than the dollar.” NM Hadler, MD, author of Stabbed in the Back[1] Not only is there a huge social cost of chronic pain to society in terms of addiction, disability, and deaths, the...

Medical Titanic

Medical Titanic The tragic sinking of the behemoth RMS Titanic was a story of bad leadership to follow warnings and design errors such as the lack of life boats that led to the deaths of 1,524 passengers and crew. If you will, that tragedy parallels the failure of the...

Dangerous Cargo

Dangerous Cargo The Lancet Viewpoint commentary, Low back pain: a call for action,[i] came to a sobering conclusion about the “widespread use of ineffective and harmful care” in the pandemic of LBP: “Other barriers to optimal evidence-based...

Minimal Mass Media

Minimal Mass Media What struck me most about the media reaction to The Lancet review was how quickly it passed without much discussion. This medically-made worldwide pandemic of disabling low back pain leading to the opioid crisis caused no outrage from Sanjay Gupta...

Marketing Pain: Part 2

Marketing Pain: Part Two Minimally Invasive Surgery Quick Fix or Quick Con? Undoubtedly the largest advertising ploy today disseminating misconceptions about LBP treatments are the incessant TV ads promoting “minimally-invasive” laser spine surgery (MISS) by the Laser...