
Is Capitalism the Cause of the Healthcare Problem? Outrage By JCS I’m enjoying the escalating public outrage over the greed of Wall Street capitalist pigs. It reminds me of my collegiate days at Berkeley in the ‘60s when the protests against the Vietnam war gained...

Ounce of Prevention

Ounce of Prevention By JCS If this reform accomplishes anything, hopefully it will end the stranglehold on healthcare by the medical profession. For too long the present American healthcare system emphasizes the “pound of cure” rather than the “ounce of prevention” or...

NPR Letter

TO:  Blake Farmer, NPR reporter RE: Military Pokes Holes In Acupuncture Skeptics’ Theory Dear Blake: I must protest this article. When I first heard it while driving to work, I was stunned and after a week of thought, I am furious about this blatantly one-sided...

Not All Epidemics Kill

Back Pain Worldwide & Costly Not All Epidemics Kill by JC Smith, MA, DC  The huge costs and suffering from low back pain in the United States are staggering, according to international researchers. The documented facts about low back pain (LPB) are astronomical in...


NEWSWEEK RIPS SPINE SURGERY BY JCS The revelations about unnecessary spine surgeries continue to appear in the mainstream media with a cover story in Newsweek magazine, “No! The One Word that Can Save Your Life” by Sharon Begley (August 22, 2011). The article spoke...


NEJM & LBP by JC Smith, MA, DC  Once again Robert Deyo, MD, has struck at chiropractic with another luke-warm appraisal of SMT in his recent NEJM (Feb. 1, 2001) article, “Primary Care: Low Back Pain.” Although he certainly didn’t endorse the traditional medical...