by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Academic DemagogueryFSU Fiasco by JCS Two of the stated goals of the AMA Committee on Quackery’s goon squad were 1) the distribution of propaganda to the nation’s teachers and guidance counselors to discourage students from seeking a career in chiropractic, and 2)...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
REPORT FOR THE NEW ACA ON PUBLIC RELATIONS PREPARED BY JC Smith, MA, DC 2002 PR AD HOC COMMITTEE NCLC Presented March, 2003 Skeletons in the Chiropractic Closet Introduction When Dr. Daryl Wills appointed me to the new ACA PR AD HOC Committee, I realized it was a...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Celebrating 50 yearsfighting in theMedical War I’ve attended many important events in our profession, including both Centennial Celebrations (Washington DC and Davenport), many ACC-RAC, NCLC, and WFC conferences, as well as the world premiere of the...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
15 Minutes of Fame By JCS Andy Worhall popularized the notion that most everyone will have his 15 minutes of fame (or infamy). Indeed, we’ve seen on the news some rather obscure or outlandish claims to fame, such as the Paris Hilton or Anna Nicole Smith absurdities....
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Lesson 5: Research How much do you really know about your profession–the history, politics, warfare, and science? Like most students and practitioners, we focus on clinical issues like diagnosis and treatments, or on business management issues. Rarely do we have...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Lesson 4: Writing is Re-writing “Little Plus Often Makes Much”Polish, polish, and more polish to your wordswill make your story shine. The next important lesson to learn in creative writing is an important point that many students fail to understand. They...