Bogus Science

Bogus Science   Medical Meddling in Research By JCS Just as the federal court found that the chiropractic management of back pain was supported by many medical witnesses, just a few years later similar findings of the effectiveness of SMT and the ineffectiveness of...

Between Rock & Hard Place

Between a Rock & a Hard Place      It never ceases to amaze me how difficult it is for the public to hear positive accounts of chiropractic. Whether it is local hearsay from medical doctors who scare patients about our care with their “voodoo” diagnosis, or...

Better Mousetrap

Better Mousetrap by JC Smith, DC   Have you ever wondered why the Health Care Reform and managed care isn’t working? Medical costs are now as outrageously high as they were before HMOs, PPOs, capitation and managed care began, and patient services are worse now than...

Believe or Understand

Academic DemagogueryFSU Fiasco by JCS  Two of the stated goals of the AMA Committee on Quackery’s goon squad were 1) the distribution of propaganda to the nation’s teachers and guidance counselors to discourage students from seeking a career in chiropractic, and 2)...

Intellectual Dishonesty

Intellectual Dishonesty By JCS   The supermarket of care for spinal disorders just got more confusing with the release of an RCT by WC  Peul et al. (Prolonged conservative care versus early surgery in patients with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation: Two-year...

Battling Tyranny

History & Highlights   Battling Tyranny   Holding the ACA’s 50th Anniversary in our nation’s capital is the perfect location for this celebration. This event marks the occasion when, in May of 1963, the NCA and a handful of ICA board members formed the new ACA as...