by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dream Keeper by JCS Watching the Coretta Scott King funeral memorial yesterday was inspiring and definitely not sad as one might expect with the humor, singing, praise among the political theater. Instead of a tragic death like we experienced when her husband was...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dr. Jerry McAndrews: The Passing of a Legend by JCS Dr. Jerry McAndrews was my hero, mentor, and friend, so it came as a shock to hear of his recent unexpected passing. For those who knew this exceptional man, he was not only an icon in the chiropractic profession...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Doubting Dr. Deyo By JC Smith, MA, DC There’s no question that Richard Deyo, MD, is one of the leading experts in the area spinal research. His works have appeared in every major medical journal from the NEJM to Scientific American to the AHCPR federal guidelines....
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Doctor No By JC Smith, DC, MA An enraged Congress took Wall Street and Detroit executives to the woodshed to explain why their industries collapsed as they made millions. Now I’m waiting for the next shoe to drop for Congress to hold the reclusive AMA’s feet to the...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Problem or Solution? Creeping Capitalism by JC Smith, MA, DC As the American healthcare crisis continues unabated with escalating costs and questionable care, despite the control of government, HMOs and MCOs to regulate care and to cut costs, problems continue to...
by Dr. JC Smith D.C. | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Cooks and Chiropractors By J.C. Smith, MA, DC I always enjoy speaking to chiropractic students. Since I authored a textbook, The Path to Mastery in Chiropractic, many have come by my office to visit, others send me e-mail or faxes and, on a few occasions, I’ve...