Bad Disk Scam

Back surgery is now rated among the worst of unnecessary, expensive and ineffective surgeries, yet few, if any, spine surgeons will admit this to their patients. Nor has Sanjay Gupta at CNN ever mentioned the “bad disk” scam his fellow spine surgeons perpetrate upon...

Pills, Pillows, and Problems

LBP is big business at $100 billion annually in the US while affecting 540 million people worldwide at a cost approaching one trillion. Many types of practitioners and non-practitioners are cashing in whether or not their services or products are proven to be...

Bone on Bone: The Biggest Scam in Medicine

The recent LBP review by The Lancet, Low back pain: a call for action, mentioned much of the American spine community remains stuck in “widespread misconceptions” and “outdated models of care and the widespread use of ineffective and harmful care.” Of course,...

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Quick Fix or Quick Con? Undoubtedly the largest advertising ploy today disseminating misconceptions about LBP treatments are the incessant TV ads promoting “minimally-invasive” laser spine surgery (MISS) by the Laser Spine Institute (LSI). Similar versions of MISS are...