Chiropractors say for back pain,
“Say No to Disc Surgery”

Researchers note the “bad discs” seen on MRI has led to “false positive” misdiagnosis, suggesting that “many of these abnormalities are trivial,
harmless, and irrelevant, so they have been recently dubbed incidentalomas,” and “they are likely to lead to more tests, patient anxiety, and perhaps even unnecessary surgery.”
In 2011, North Carolina Blue Cross/Blue Shield said it
will no longer pay for disc fusion if the sole criterion is an abnormal disc.
Just Say NO
to Drugs, Shots & Spine Surgery.
Chiropractic care first;
drugs, shots, & surgery last.
Chiropractors are now
Primary Spine Care Providers
Proven Treatments
helping millions,
saving billions.
before drugs, shots, and surgery.
1. RA Deyo and DL Patrick, Hope or Hype: The Obsession with Medical Advances and the High Cost of False Promises (2002):191.
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