Redbook Slams Chiro


Redbook Slams Chiropractic

I am constantly amazed where I find cheap shots taken at our profession. If it’s not Forbes or USA Today as we’ve recently witnessed, now Redbook magazine has jumped into the fray not only against chiropractors but also by insulting massage therapists.

Apparently the editor at Redbook magazine has no problem insulting massage therapists with a recent article “I Get Happy-Ending Massages and It Helps My Marriage” that was featured on July 3 in Redbook magazine.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) wrote a letter to Redbook magazine and demanded an apology for publishing an anecdotal story that associated massage therapists and their profession with prostitution.

According to an online article about the ABMP complaint, Massage Therapists Demand Apology From Redbook Magazine:

“Several people, including a few massage therapists, voiced their disgust and disbelief on Facebook about Redbook magazine’s story, including “boycotting” and “unfollowing” Redbook. One commentator voiced her concern about ongoing stories from Redbook that “promote various forms of infidelity.”

Meredith Rollins, editor-in-chief of Redbook magazine, replied with an apology to ABMP and fellow massage therapists, thanking them for pointing out the story. “While the story was a first-person account of one woman’s experience and was certainly not meant as a reflection on the massage industry or the professionals who work in it, we have chosen to remove it from the site,” Rollins wrote.”

Not to be outdone, the August 2014 edition of Redbook took a swipe at chiropractors in an article, “What doctors tell their friends about preventing stroke” written by Lisa Mulcahy when she quoted a Dr. James Brorson, MD, associate professor of neurology at the University of Chicago Medicine, who warned readers about chiropractic adjustments.

“Although it’s rare, it’s possible to experience a stroke through dissection—the tearing of an artery in your neck. That’s why we neurologists generally advise against neck adjustments at the chiropractor. You also want to be careful when you’re, say, on a roller-coaster ride at the amusement park or getting your hair washed at the salon; extending your neck back without proper support for longer than a few minutes can be dangerous.”

To date, this article is not online @

This swipe by Dr. Brorson reminds me of the same accusation that was revived a few years ago in England by a small town physiotherapy instructor that went viral, “Letting chiropractor ‘crack’ your neck to relieve pain could trigger stroke.” London, Fri, 08 Jun 2012, ANI, quoting Physiotherapy lecturer Neil O’Connell, of Brunel University, Uxbridge.

Like Dr. Brorson, Mr. O’Connell presented no facts or injured patients as proof, but his swipe certainly attracted media attention on both sides of the pond that I mentioned in my article Piling on Chiropractic.

Can we expect our national organizations, the ICA, ACA, or F4CP to write complaints to Redbook editor Meredith Rollins?