If you are into spinal rehab, I urge you to try Dr. Payne’s products that are effective and affordable. You’ll also enjoy reading Mark’s instruction manual in which he speaks of his own frustration to create spinal structural integrity debunking the old concept of relying solely upon adjustments to restore alignment. His innovative products will help your patients achieve more than pain relief by restoring structural integrity. And be sure to tell Mark I sent you!

Original Dakota Traction
Dr. Mark Payne
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Our purpose here at Matlin is quite simple…To provide affordable, effective tools for postural rehabilitation and to make these methods understandable and applicable for doctors of all techniques.
I also realized that most doctors have no desire to change techniques or revamp every aspect of their clinics. Many of you just need effective tools to do your job, and a working understanding of how to implement simple and effective methods of postural correction. That focus has allowed Matlin Mfg to grow and prosper for well over two decades now.
So, browse through the site and familiarize yourself with the various tools and methods available. Request our introductory report and catalog. Yes, there’s a learning curve to these methods, but it’s an easy one to master and most of the basic information is available free through our reports and newsletters. And of course if you have questions, you can always call us for personal support. That’s why we’re here.
Best regards,
Mark R Payne DC
President – Matlin Mfg. Inc.
Dr. Payne has also began a free newsletter that succinctly covers a wide variety of scientific issues that we need to know. Here’s how you can subscribe to his newsletter:
FREE Science In Brief
Please enter your email address below to sign up for our mailing list.
*Your email address:
Recommendation #2
I cannot say enough about the contributions Dr. Donald “Murph” Murphy has made to the chiropractic profession as a researcher, lecturer, and now as an author of his new book that will soon become required reading for any practitioner who fancies him or herself as a primary spine care provider whether being a DC, MD, or PT. He and his colleague, John Ventura, DC, now offer a certification course on Primary Spine Providers. Check out their course @ www.primaryspineprovider.com and order Dr. Murphy’s book on Amazon.

Dr. Donald Murphy
Clinical Director, Rhode Island Spine Center
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Are you worried about your place in our changing healthcare system? Wondering where you “fit in”? Want to become a well-respected and integrated member of the healthcare team?
Join over 100 PSPN-trained practitioners who are currently working as Primary Spine Practitioners:
In private practice as the community’s respected go-to spine doctor
60-80 new patient referrals/ month
As medical directors of hospital spine programs
In community health clinics run by a large insurer
In a large integrated neurosurgical/physiatry group in Michigan
In a community-wide spine pathway of a large insurer
Change is at hand and only the progressive and well-trained
will thrive. Will that be you??
**Become Part of a Growing Movement
in the Healthcare System**
As seen in the widely influential publication: http://www.chiromt.com/content/19/1/17
Presented by:
The Primary Spine Provider Network, LLC
Saturday 10:00-5:00 (registration/sign in 9:30)
Sunday 8:00-3:00 (registration/sign in 7:30)
Philadelphia, PA ~ Stamford, CT
For location specifics/hotel information, click HERE
Recommendation #3
Often my colleagues ask me how I am so astute about the issues we face since I am just a country chiropractor living in the peach and pecan country of middle Georgia. I have to admit that
there are two monthly publications focusing on international spine research that I use extensively to learn the current issues and expert opinions in spine care:
THE BACKLetter and The Chiropractic Report.

I believe he is among a few brave medical writers of spine articles in our country, similar to Dr. Rick Deyo, MD, MPH, and Eugene Carragee, MD, who have also been on the leading edge of critical spine articles. You can’t imagine the heat these courageous writers have taken the last few years as the ill-begotten, ineffective, expensive, dangerous, addictive, and often deadly medical spine techniques–opioids, epidural steroid injections, and spine fusions–have slowly been exposed. I once asked Dr. Deyo how he fared at the annual convention of the North American Spine Society and he replied, “Let’s just say I’m not the most popular guy there.”
Price: $244.00
This monthly newsletter delivers the in-depth information you need to stay up-to-date on the diagnosis and treatment of spinal problems and back pain. Written in consultation with Sam W. Wiesel, MD, and an Editorial Board that reads like a virtual “Who’s Who” in the field, The BackLetter presents informative, quick-read articles that give you information you can use immediately to benefit your patients and your practice. The BackLetter brings you the most reliable briefing available to fit your busy schedule. It takes just twenty minutes to read, but it relays a wealth of solid, critical news on scientific developments that will have the most impact on your practice — and it doesn’t shy away from controversy. Subscribers will not only receive The BackLetter every month, they will also have online access at www.backletter.com to all back issues in a fully searchable format. This is one of the world’s richest databases of information about spine care and spine research—for use in patient care, scientific research, and in writing articles, studies, and commentaries.

David was the legal counselor in the New Zealand Inquiry on Chiropractic (1978-79) that is perhaps the most in-depth and informative analysis every done about the chiropractic profession, science, politics, and more.
He also just retired as the Secretary-General of the World Federation of Chiropractic, the United Nations of our profession, if you will. He has been a brilliant leader and a well-respected international diplomat for the chiropractic profession and his Report is invaluable as a reliable source of the various issues worldwide in our profession.
Recommendation #4
The Lumbar MRI in Clinical Practice
60% off list price
As a promotion of my new eBook, The Lumbar MRI in Clinical Practice, I am offering it at a 60% discount to certain friends and colleagues. For the next 6 days I will be offering this downloadable PDF for only $9.99 (versus the normal price of $29.99). I will also give a free copy of this book to anyone who completes my online course, The Lumbar MRI in Clinical Practice, offered at https://healthpatheducation.com/Morgan
This eBook is best viewed on an iPad or other tablet, but can be viewed on any computer. If you have any trouble downloading the eBook or with formating just email me and I will ensure that we get a good copy to you.
William E. Morgan

If you are struggling with understanding the nuances of MRI, then purchase this eBook today by clicking here:
Purchase The Lumbar MRI in Clinical Practice now for only $9.99
Recommendation #7
I am proud to present two books on AK by Scott Cuthbert, DC.

Here are a few comments from reviews:
“A new generation of applied kinesiology (AK) textbooks are here.”
“Cuthbert has published over 50 research studies on applied kinesiology methods including 12 papers in PubMed.”
“A must read for anyone interested in finding out bout AK, or anyone interested in exploring different forms of physical medicine.”
“Ultimate authority on AK.”
“This book truly stands alone on the topic of Applied Kinesiology.”

They cost $79.99 each.