Chiropractors were Rights


Chiropractors Were Right!

There is growing evidence our chiropractic colleagues in Australia are fighting a medical war reminiscent to the same battle fought in the US in the 1960-1970s. The medical fascists in government, media, and the medical society are quite open in their unsubstantiated criticism of all-things-chiropractic and desire to handcuff chiropractors and grossly limit patients’ freedom of choice to our brand of care.

I first became aware of this medical war Down Under after receiving a nasty Australian MD Letter by the medical society written on Nov. 30, 2011, bemoaning the introduction of a chiropractic program at Central Queensland University:

We (the undersigned) are doctors, clinical and basic scientists and clinical academics who, in our professional lives have, in one-way or another, become involved in attempts to protect health care consumers from the dangers associated with unscientific clinical practices. In so doing we have shared with each other our concern about the increasing numbers of universities that are allowing non-evidence based “pseudo” disciplines to be offered to their students. It is difficult to counter the massive amount of misleading, often fraudulent, information provided to consumers through the media and Internet. The task becomes very much harder however when tertiary institutes give to unacceptable practices an undeserved imprimatur by including them among the courses they offer for study.

On Dec. 2, 2011, I felt compelled to write a response to their chirophobic medical attack:

RE: Response to Medical Objection to Chiropractic Program

Dear Sirs:

I am a doctor of chiropractic compelled to respond to the November 30, 2011 letter to you from 40 members of the medical profession complaining about the inclusion of a chiropractic program into your university. I will refer to this 40 member group as the “medical mob” since no one had the courage to take authorship of this letter, instead appearing faceless among the litany of signers.

This letter is profoundly biased toward chiropractic, subtly intimidating to you, clearly misleading in details, an affront to academic freedom, and scientifically incorrect on many levels. Indeed, this letter by this medical mob smacks of professional demagoguery at its worst. I daresay as fair-minded academicians you should reject on principle the totality of their letter.

You can read the entire letter @ Response to Medical Objection to Chiropractic Program.

The medical war Down Under today continues in full force. You may recall the medical and media attack on Dr. Ian Rossborough for his work with pediatric chiropractic care in a series of articles I wrote under the heading, Chicken Little Down Under.

Obviously, our Aussie mates need a Wilk v. AMA Down Under lawsuit to expose this unrelenting medical infamy, but unlike the American ICA under the stalwart leadership of the late great Dr. Jerry McAndrews and his brother, George McAndrews, it appears the chiropractic leadership there lacks the vision and backbone to stand up to this medical intimidation.

Unfortunately, chiropractors in the land of Oz are losing in both the legal court and in the court of public opinion. I was asked by one of my colleagues Down Under to write a well-researched article that he and his supporters could share with the political powers and media moguls to shed a new light on the importance of chiropractic care to stem the opioid crisis.

So, enjoy my effort to help, Chiropractors Were Right!
