“Chiropractic Care Effective”

Experts agree:
• “Chiropractic is the most common choice, and evidence accumulates that spinal manipulation may indeed be an effective short-term pain remedy for patients with recent back problems.” (1)
• “There is now considerable evidence that manipulation can be an effective method of providing symptomatic relief for some patients with acute low back pain.” (2)
Just Say NO
to Drugs, Shots & Spine Surgery.
The evidence for chiropractic care is mounting:
• A 1998 editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine noted that
“spinal manipulation is the treatment of choice.” (3)
• Even the North American Spine Society recommends
spinal manipulation before surgery. (4)
Chiropractors are now
Primary Spine Care Providers
Proven Treatments
helping millions,
saving billions.
before drugs, shots, and surgery.
1. RA Deyo, “Low -Back Pain,” Scientific American, (August 1998):49-53
2.G Waddell and OB Allan, “A Historical Perspective On Low Back Pain And disability, “Acta Orthop Scand 60 (suppl 234), (1989)
3. Marc S., Micozz, MD, PhD, “Complementary Care: When Is It Appropriate? Who Will Provide It?” Annals of Internal Medicine 129/1 ( July 1998): 65-66
4.Michael D. Freeman PhD, MPH, DC and John M. Mayer DC, PhD, “NASS Contemporary Concepts in Spine Care: Spinal Manipulation Therapy For Acute Low Back Pain,” The Spine Journal, 10/10 (October 2010): 918-940
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