Chiropractors for Fair Journalism
Medical War Against Chiropractors
Whenever most people hear the word “chiropractic,” they conjure up the slander they’ve heard from the medical profession, such as quackery, dangerous, or pseudo-scientific. For nearly a century, Americans have been lied to by the medical propagandists, not only about chiropractic care, but also about the ineffectiveness of medical spine care such as addictive narcotic drugs, ineffective epidural steroid injections, and disc surgery. This is the untold story of chiropractic from persecution to vindication, and a story anyone with a spine needs to know since 90% of American adults will suffer from acute low back pain during their lifetime.
Despite being the third-largest physician-level group in the nation, chiropractors are misunderstood by the public, mischaracterized by the medical profession, ignored by the medically-biased media, and often publicly ridiculed by medical bigots. To say chiropractic is a mystery science profession is an understatement, and it is the goal of this book to explain this social phenomenon and much more.
JC Smith, MA, DC, has been a leading journalist in the chiropractic profession as well as a practicing chiropractor on the front lines of the medical war. In his 33-year career, he has seen the carnage of this war practicing in a geographical region that leads his state in back surgeries per capita. Taking care of hundreds of failed back surgery victims who never needed surgery motivated him to investigate this issue in depth, and what he found was beyond belief.
Just as Woodward and Bernstein revealed Nixon’s Watergate fiasco, Smith has accomplish a similar feat in his investigation of the epidemic of unnecessary back surgeries. This book proves that back surgery may be the biggest ruse nowadays in the medical profession as an unnecessary and ineffective surgery thrust upon a gullible public. Someday it will be ranked with other unnecessary surgeries such as mastectomies, tonsillectomies, and hysterectomies. While these are often unnecessary, none of them leave patients as disabled as a failed back surgery.
Dr. Smith answers the major issues that perpetuate this back surgery scam—the public skepticism confronting the chiropractic profession and the medical war against chiropractic. Like the proverbial 800-pound gorilla, these two issues are paramount problems that no one to date has addressed, and certainly not from the chiropractic perspective. Nor has any author like Smith supported his findings to the extent of 755 footnotes to substantiate his position. This book is not merely the opinion of a chiropractic advocate, but an in-depth examination of a dark chapter in American medicine.
The seeds of chiropractic were sown over 3,000 years ago, evolving from Egyptian physicians to medieval bonesetters in Europe to embryonic neurophysiologists and social activists in America seeking freedom in healthcare.
This ruthless war against chiropractors revealed a dark chapter in American medicine that few people understand, but chiropractors know too well when 12,000 chiropractors were arrested over 15,000 times and 3,300 were imprisoned in the first half of the twentieth century simply for helping patients with only their hands. As recently as 1975 the last chiropractor was jailed in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Smith’s lengthy investigation began in 1995 after major research studies from the U.S., U.K., New Zealand, and Canada found chiropractic care favorable over medical care. Despite this new-found revelation, nothing changed in the management of back pain when the AMA totally ignored these international recommendations. At the core of this contention were two reasons: the medical bias that refused to accept chiropractic care was preferable over medical care for the majority of these cases; secondly, of course, was the huge amount of money that might be lost in this $100 billion industry.
Smith also shows that researchers now call for the restraint of back surgeries as the call for chiropractic care grows louder. The Dynasty of the Disc has been denounced by medical experts themselves—Scott Boden, Maureen Jensen, Daniel Cherkin and Richard Deyo who mockingly calls the ubiquitous herniated discs “incidentalomas.”
Yet back surgeries have increased 15-fold despite this call for restraint of a spine surgery based on an outdated premise. Back surgery has been “accused of leaving more tragic human wreckage in its wake than any other operation in history” by Gordon Waddell, MD, noted author and orthopedist.
The proof is positive and research studies cannot be clearer that chiropractic stands at the top of spinal treatments as Anthony Rosner, PhD, testified before The Institute of Medicine: “Today, we can argue that chiropractic care, at least for back pain, appears to have vaulted from last to first place as a treatment option.”
This investigative journalist will ruffle many feathers, but most of all, it will enlighten readers about this medical war with facts few people have ever known. It will certainly change your opinion of chiropractic care as a solution to this epidemic of back pain and disability.
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The Medical War Against Chiropractors
by JC Smith
Contact Dr. Smith Directly @ JCS

“Fast-paced and jaw-dropping”
Dr. Bill Meeker
Book Reviews
Glen Rasmussen, DC, 6-2-2011
I love your book and am reading it again for the second time.
Darren Hancock, DC, 6-15-2011
I just started reading it and can’t put it down. Thanks!
Dr John Nobbe, 6-15-2011
I also must say Thanks for all the hard work to compile this book…Very good !!!
Brian McAuley, Provost, Life University, July 2, 2011
Dr. J.C. Smith’s book, The Medical War Against Chiropractors, is a compelling account of the actions taken by the leaders of powerful medical institutions to block patient access to chiropractic services. The book is meticulously researched; through his boldly explored and compellingly written recounting of the Wilk antitrust case, the Florida State University rejection of a doctor of chiropractic program, and the medical establishment’s unprofessional and unethical treatment of chiropractic research, Smith writes a fascinating narrative and makes a compelling case that leaders in the medical establishment have damaged millions of people by discouraging them from using chiropractic care. This book will be of paramount interest to chiropractic and other health care practitioners and students, legislators, and anyone with an interest in the political and economic dynamics of the health care system.
Sunny Kierstyn, RN, DC , 7-31-2011
Dr. Smith:
This weekend was spent reading your book about our chiropractic history. It was opened Friday evening and I had trouble putting it down until done. It was GREAT! Thank you so much!
The book was a delightful read – the references are wonderful. I thought I knew at least part of the story….you’ve made me much more aware of my own profession. Having that compendium of the positive studies done through the years is so appreciated! Your bringing together all the facts of chiropractic and your conclusions were a pleasure and a comfort to see in print.
Thank you again for your work. It is very impressive, not to mention inspirational. Your observations and conclusions reflected my own observations and suspicions to such a large degree, it’s possible I may not be crazy after all! You’ve added an excellent book to our archives.
Frank Zolli, Dean of University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, June 30, 2011
I have been reviewing your book and intend to require it for my History and Philosophy of Chiropractic class in the fall and thereafter. I believe you have provided students a vehicle to understand the adversity over which chiropractic pioneers and activists have had to overcome in order to reach our current status. Most importantly you do it on the basis of fact, not dogmatic emotion and hysteria. Thank you and keep doing what you’re doing, it is more important than you may realize.
William Meeker, DC, MPH, President, Palmer College of Chiropractic West Campus
“J.C. Smith has written a fast-paced and jaw-dropping account of the efforts made by the American Medical Association to essentially destroy the chiropractic profession in the middle of the 20th century. Well-organized and very well-referenced, it provides students, doctors and the general public a behind the scenes look at how vicious health care politics can truly be. Dr. Smith’s book is a classic that will be referenced as an important contribution to healthcare history in the United States. Your book is now a recommended book in our Principles and Practice curriculum.”
Paul G. Smith, DC, MA, FICC
Your book, “The Medical War Against Chiropractors” is fantastic! I have been involved with chiropractic for over 46 years and have held many positions of leadership in the chiropractic profession and as one who thought I knew all of our history, this well-researched book taught me things I had never known. It is a must read for all chiropractors, chiropractic students and anyone contemplating a career in chiropractic or researching the subject.
Jim, in my opinion, this is your best work yet!
Peter Martin, president of Palmer-Florida, 10/7/11
Thank you so very much for sending your recent book, The Medical War Against Chiropractors on to me. I have found your book to be well researched and at the same time to be a reminder of what the profession and its practitioners have endured over the years. As we have progressed as a profession and have gained more recognition and respect we still, to quote Shakespeare, “suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”.